Comprehensive Hearing Evaluation
Complete hearing evaluation including hearing history, communication assessment, otoscopic examination, typmanometry, and professional consultation. We will identify and help you understand the hearing challenges you’re facing and discuss treatment options.
Hearing Consultation
If you have questions or concerns about your hearing and you’re looking for answers, speak with our experienced professionals and find out what you can do.
Hearing Screening
Take the first steps to understand the hearing challenges you face each day with a basic Hearing Screening.
Technology Demonstration
Curious about what hearing aids can really do? You have opportunity to discuss your listening needs and actually experience the newest hearing technologies and wireless devices at no cost and no obligation.
Initial Fitting
You’ve made the decision to take charge of your hearing health. Now it’s time to begin the journey to better hearing. We use state of the art technology and equipment to program your hearing aids to address your unique hearing needs.
Follow Up Fitting
You’ve taken the first steps and lived with your new hearing aids for a short time. Since the human brain needs time (3-6 months) to adapt to new sounds that you’ve missed for years, we will perform further fine tuning and programming to make your hearing the best it can be.
Rear Ear Speech Mapping
We can match your hearing aids’ performance to your favorite sounds, music and even your partner’s voice! We actually measure the sound pressure at the eardrum to ensure that your hearing aids are producing the appropriate amplification to match your hearing prescription.
Hearing Aid Clean & Check
Hearing aids require regular maintenance to remain in peak operating condition. We need to see you every 3-4 months to ensure that you’re getting the very best from your hearing aids.
Annual Hearing Screening
We recommend annual hearing screenings to ensure that your hearing aids are programmed to meet any changes that may have come about in the last year.
Custom Ear Molds
Custom fittings for hearing devices, cell phone earpieces, iPod earpieces, swim plugs, musician earplugs, noise protection earpieces, physician stethoscope earpieces, and more…
Office Visit
We welcome you to visit our office and meet with our staff. We will gladly answer your questions about hearing, hearing loss, hearing protection, and the other services we offer.
L&I Claim Services
We are a full service provider for workers with Washington State L&I claims.
(360) 723-5478
1710 SW 9th Ave STE B115, Battle Ground WA
Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm
Contact Us
Questions or comments? Give us a call or provide your information below and we'll contact you.